Monday, January 31, 2011

Andai Ini Nafas Terakhirku~


Tujuan aku menulis ni bukan untuk sekadar coretan, tp andai kata ini nafas terakhirku, aku nk korg tahu ape yang aku alami, ape yg aku harungi sepanjang perkenalan dgn korg dan sepanjang aku bersama korg. Pertama sekali aku nk minta maaf kt ibu ngn ayah atas segala kesilapan nazir sepanjang ibu ngn ayah membesarkan nazir. Nazir tahu nazir dh byk menyusahkan ibu ngn ayah sepanjang nazir membesar. Nazir dlu slalu x dgr ckp ibu, slalu xdgr ckp ayah. Nazir thu nazir salah, tp sume 2 mendewasakan nazir bu, ayah. Nazir dh pham skrg, nazir thu knp dlu ayah ngn ibu slalu marah nazir, wlupon ibu ngn ayah xpernah pkol nazir. Bende 2 sume mngajar nazir , skrg nazir dh boleh hidup sndiri. Tapi, wlupon nazir jauh dr ibu ngn ayah, Nazir slalu rindukan ibu ngn ayah. Tak pernah skli pon nazir lupekan ibu ngn ayah, dalam setiap doa nazir, nazir slalu mndoakan kesejahteraan ibu ngn ayah, kesihatan yg baek dn smoga di pnjgkan umur. Tapi bu, ayh, andai nazir pergi dlu, nazir nk ibu ngn ayah thu yg nazir syg sgt ibu ngn ayah. Nazir thu klu pemergian ini terlalu awl tp ni sume sudah suratan takdir. Harap ibu ngn ayah terima dan redha dgn pemergian nazir ni. Harap dpt la kirenye kt bjumpe di syurga nnt~ :)

Kepada kawan2 aku, Sahabat dunia akhirat, jimi, farid, aboh, qidin, ilmi, mael, mokh, haziq, munawar, zarol, yat, dan kwn2 yg laen. Aku pertama skli nk minta maaf klu aku ade wat slah dan silap sepanjang perkenalan kt sume. Pada jimi,farid, qidin, yat, aq membesar dgn korg sjak dr kecik. Aku rindu zaman kt kecik2 dlu, aku rindu setiap saat bersama ngn korg. Aku teringin sgt nk kembali zaman kanak kt, sbb aq ske. Aku nk minta maaf ngn sume, klu ade slh dan silap ngn spnjg persahabatan kt, aku mintak halalkan makan dan minum aq, andai aku berhutang ngn korg. Aku xdpt bg yg tbaek sbg seorg kwn, tp ape yg korg knl aq, i2 la aku. Aku sygkn korg sume. Aku xdpt bygkan hdup tnpa korg. Aku harap pemergian aku ni, mgkin dpt mngurangkan beban korg.:)

Kpd kwn2 kt mmu, mayo,izzwan, had, cha, orix, azmir, en.fazli, kdila, reen, ksyaf, k.erma, syafiq, lensa, faizol lea,bob dan laen2 , aku nk minta maaf ngn korg klu ade slah dn silap sepanjang perkenalan kt. Aku tahu ade antara korg yg skt ati ngn aku @ salah aku sepanjang perkanalan ngn korg. Aku mohon maaf dr hujung rmbut smpai ujung kaki, aku bkn manusia yg sempurna.Aku mintak korg halalkan makan dn minum aku andai aku terhutang dgn korg. Aku xmintak lebih, cume aku harap korg maafkan slah dn silap aku je. Aku happy sgt dpt knl ngn korg, hangout ngn korg sume~ aku nk korg tahu aku syg sgt ngn korg~

Pada awk, mgkin ini nafas terakhir sy. Saya nk minta maaf sgt2 ngn awk mgkin xdpt tunaikan beberapa permintaan awk. Wlupon kdg2, sy ni xbtol sgt, tp sy nk awk thu yg sy sygkan awk sgt2. Sjak perknalan kt, sy dh tertarik dgn sifar2 peribadi awk. Mgkin kt knl xlme, tp stiap saat bersama awk 2 amat bermakna pada sy. Wlupon kdg2 awk cbuk, tp sy sabar mnunggu awk. Sy xmintak awk blas stiap msg @ call sy, sy cume skdar nk thu khabar awk je, dh mkn ke blom.Wlupon awak rasa sy ni mgkin agak merimaskan, tp 2 la cara nk melepaskan rindu sy pd awk. Sy minta maaf andai sy slalu sktkn ati awk. Xpernah terlintas kt ati sy nk skt kn ati awk pon, tp dh d takdirkan sume 2. Setiap saat bersama awk sgt bermkne buat sy. Sy minta maaf andai permergian sy ni membuat awk x slesa, tp redha la dgn ketentuanNya, jika awk rindu sy, bcekanla yassin untuk sy. :)

Terima Kasih Atas Segala2nya~

Mari Like~!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Impikan Satu Percutian

Dah lame rasanya aku x pergi bercuti. Last aku pergi aku rase mse kt Cameron Highland bln 12 aritu, tp 2 bkn bcuti pon. Yang tu aku pergi coz ade program, kelam kabut. Xde mse rehat langsung. huhuhu~ Sblom g Cameron Highland tu aku ade pergi Pulau Tioman, wlupon yg 2 program cleaning, tp aku ske coz leisure~ No force, nothing much to do, nothing much to move~ So, tula nikmat percutian yang sbenar. Aku rase dh sbln lbih dh aku duk ngadap lappy je, ulang alik jauh p opis la, mcm2 lagi. Dan skrg aku rase aku nk pergi bcuti lak! Aku dh bosan ngadap sume ni sbnrnye, tp klu x kje cmne aq nk dpt gaji ye x? Cmne aq nk pergi Kinabalu kalu xde duet. So, aku terpakse freeze kan cuti aku dan aku nk cuti bln 3 nnt. Aku nk lpak puas2 kat sne. Aku nk enjoy panjat Gunung Kinabalu, bergambar bersama teman2 dan Big Boss!

Kita ni klu nk paksa diri sgt pon x gune jgk. Klu ade peluang cuti 2, pergila cuti klu x korg yg rugi ye x? Bende ni atas diri masing2 la, aku x pakse korg pon. Cume korg plih la yg tbaek tuk diri korg sndiri. Pada yg ske ngadap lappy maen game 2, udah2 la. Ape yg korg dpt wat dpn lappy 2? Klu korg ckp leh wat duet 2 mmg la, tp korg x rase korg dh terlepas nikmat yang Allah berikan kat dunia ni ke? Korg bayangkan korg duk je atas krusi dan tekan2 lappy 2, tp padahal org laen tgh sronok2 kt luar dgn kawan2. Pkir2kan la, ni juz advice dari aku je. Terpulangla kat korg nk terima ke x, tp klu korg terasa aku minta maaf k? 0-0, aku xnk gaduh2. Tapi aku nk bkak mata korg je. Anyway, hopes u guys enjoy ur holiday n coming Chinese New Year!



Mari Like~!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Count On Me

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never say goodbye

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

*This song is written and composed by Bruno Mars. I really like diz song, coz it's really look like me. Sometimes, people dun even know what types of friend am i. The people who grew up with me know me much better. Sometimes they called me, then ask me " when will u coming back, dude?", "we miss u a lot!". Can u see?? This is real me~ Friendship is everything, and it will never last at all. Try to make friends but not an enemy. U will find the truth~


Mari Like~!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

For You

Suddenly I dont know how to start, but it's all about u. We only meet in last few month, yeah, only for last few month. But, u already won my heart. Sometimes , I would like 2 gave u a medal juz like "Lagenda Budak Setan", hahaha. At first, I juz looking at u, always looking at u. I dunno how it be, but everything I do, I will always took my eyes on u. U make me feel uncomfortable, since the day we meet. Then I try my best 2 know u, and now I already know u, and I know how much u love me. But, we never declare anything yet. I juz want u 2 know that, I will wait 4 u :) I will try my best 4 not looking at other girls. Heee~ B'coz I also fall in love with u~♥

Mari Like~!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My New Life.

Assalamualaikum. It has been long time I never used diz intro as my opening entry~ But now I realized that sometimes people may change without they knowing . Ok, as u look at my title of diz entry, I juz want uuooolllss to know that now i've finished my practical at Mynice Auditing Consultancy & Networking and indirectly i've finished my Diploma in Accounting! Alhamdulillah, I made it today! Thanks to my mom and my dad, who really gave me everything, and uuoolll always besides me when i needed. Thanks 2 all my mate at MMU, who always supported me, helped me when I really needed 2.

Less but not least 2 my advisor, my supervisor at Mynice Auditing and office mate who helped me a lot~ Thanks u guys, I will not forget about it. And not forget 2 my special one, thanks 4 being a part of me, since we meet. Thanks 4 always supported me, and maybe some your words really helped me~ :) Anyway, thanks to Allah who bless me :)


Mari Like~!